Popular Articles From the Blog
FAQs About Refugees in America
Refugees in the Bible: A Complete List
A Brief Theology of Displacement
How to Talk About Refugees:
My Favorite Books
Seeking Refuge by Matthew Soerens, Stephen Bauman, and Issam Smeir
This is my favorite book about the refugee crisis, hands down. It is an excellent introduction to the facts of forced migration and refugee resettlement in the US while also including a biblical perspective of the refugee crisis and the stories of individual refugees. Read my review here.
Welcoming the Stranger by Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang
This book is the sister volume to Seeking Refuge and covers and biblical response to immigration as a broader topic.
Refugees In the Bible by Tabitha McDuffee
This ebook retells the stories of six biblical refugees and then discusses a contemporary refugee situation that closely mirrors each biblical story. You can download the ebook for free here.
Assimilate or Go Home by D.L. Mayfield
A memoir from one woman who is doing her best to love refugees day in and day out in the city of Portland. Read my interview with Mayfield here.
The New Odyssey by Patrick Kingsley
This book perfectly mingles story and information and is an example of journalism at its finest. If you’re curious to know what has driven so many to take the dangerous journey across borders and oceans, then this is the book for you. Read my review here.
There Goes the Neighborhood by Ali Noorani
In this book, Noorani speaks with politicians, law enforcement, small business owners, and faith leaders about immigration and the changing demographics of the U.S. Read my review here.
Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear by Matthew Kaemingk
Though this book is a little more on the academic end of the spectrum, it is thought-provoking, well-researched, and presents a perspective that is lacking in most immigration discussions. Read my review here.
God is Stranger by Krish Kandiah
This book explores the theme of God the stranger throughout Scripture through twelve distinct Bible narratives. Read my review here.
A Better Country by Cindy M. Wu
This brief study guide would be the perfect companion to some of the books listed above if used in a church small group or Sunday school class. Read my review here.
My Favorite Websites
World Relief’s Blog
If you’re looking for regular updates on refugees and immigration from a Christian and organization perspective, look no further.
Loving the Stranger
This blog, written by my friend Jessica Udall, offers practical tips and examples for welcoming refugees, immigrants, and other internationals in the midst of your daily life. Read my interview with Jessica here.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR is the best source for up-to-date statistics on refugees around the world. Each year in June they release their Global Trends Report. You can find the 2018 edition here.
My Favorite Organizations
World Relief
World Relief is an evangelical organization that partners with the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees. They also serve refugees in other countries around the world. On their website you can find news, articles, and information about volunteering with refugees at one of their 20 U.S. field offices.
Refugee Highway Partnership
The RHP is a global network of Christians who are serving refugees in various capacities around the world. Each year they hold conferences where practitioners and church leaders can come together to learn from one another and be encouraged in their work.